What to Expect

WELCOME to worship!

When you walk up the front steps, and enter our new blue doors, greeters will be at the entrance to our sanctuary to warmly welcome you to St. Paul the Apostle - Rexdale. A smiling Greeter will offer you an Order of Service. The OoS guides you through different parts of your worship experience. If you need assistance following , either signal to a Greeter or ask someone close by to help you.

The Greeter can also answer any questions you may have, or give directions to a specific location.

If you have children or teenagers, feel free to ask the Greeter about our Youth Ministry session. Youth have their own learning experience during the adult service. There is a directive in the OoS when they leave service. The last Sunday of each month they are responsible for the combined service.

When you enter the main worship space, please sit where you feel most comfortable. Before the service begins, music is played (the Prelude) as we’re encouraged to enter into a quiet time of prayer and reflection in preparation for our worship experience.

Unfortunately, we are not yet a high tech church, but we aim to be. Please be patient with us as we wade into a more technologically advanced space and experience. Meanwhile, the hymns we sing are usually from the blue book of “Common Praise.”

Generally, we stand when we sing hymns. When we pray, we either kneel, stand or sit. It is usual to stand for the reading of the Gospel and often the priest will encourage you to.

After the last song is sung and the Dismissal is given, music is briefly played at the end of the service (the Postlude). You are most welcome to remain seated and enjoy before greeting others for refreshments.

This is What to expect 101 at St. Paul the Apostle - Rexdale. Read further for more details.

We are thrilled that you have chosen to visit and worship with us. Don’t be a stranger. We’d love to see you again soon. We hope that your time with us has been uplifting and inspiring, and what you need it to be.


Rev’d Randy and the People of St. Paul the Apostle - Rexdale.
